Testing Information

CAASPP Testing

CAASPP 2022 District Testing Window: April 25 - June 8, 2022

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is the state academic testing program. CAASPP is a system intended to provide information that can be used to monitor student progress and ensure that all students leave high school ready for college and career. CAASPP includes computer adaptive tests in English language arts, mathematics, and science. Students in grades 3-8 will take the computer adaptive tests in English and math in the spring. Students in grades 5 and 8 will also take the tests in science.
Following the spring testing, students will receive individual score reports electronically through our SchoolWise Gradebook Portal. Reports will include an overall score, and description of the student’s achievement level for English language arts, mathematics, and science if applicable. If you would like more information, please visit the CDE CAASPP Web page.
Parents and guardians have the right to exempt their child from taking the CAASPP assessments. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s participation, please contact your school’s principal.

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) uses:
  • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) online assessments
  • California Science Test (CAST)
  • California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) - for Special Education students
These assessments are aligned to the Common Core State Standards in literacy and mathematics and include more rigorous content than the previous tests. Through CAASPP, districts will be able to gain valuable information and monitor student progress to ensure that all students master the new standards and are prepared for college and career opportunities beyond high school.
Student score reports (SSRs) will be available electronically via the SchoolWise Gradebook Portal. Approximate release dates are as follows:
  • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) for English language arts (ELA) and math: Late Summer
  • California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for ELA and math: Late Summer
  • California Science Test (CAST): Late Summer
You can find information to help you understand your child’s score report at the Starting Smarter CAASPP website (ca.startingsmarter.org) where you also can find sample test questions and free resources to help support your child’s learning.



English Language Proficiency Assessments for California

The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is aligned with the California English Language Development Standards. These standards can be found at https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/documents/eldstndspublication14.pdf.
The ELPAC consists of two separate English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English learners and the other for the annual summative assessment to identify students’ English language proficiency level and to measure their progress in learning English.The initial assessment is given within a student’s first 30 days at Shaffer. This test helps identify students who are not fully fluent in English and may need additional support to do well in school while accessing the full curriculum. Students who are not fully proficient in English will receive instructional supports to help develop their English.
The Summative assessment is given yearly in the spring to students with the designation of English learner to measure their progress in learning English and can be used to help determine if students needs extra help in language learning.
The ELPAC tests four different areas:
  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
Student score reports (SSRs) will be available electronically via the SchoolWise Gradebook Portal.
You can find information to help you understand your child’s score report at the Starting Smarter ELPAC website (elpac.startingsmarter.org) where you also can find sample test questions and free resources to help support your child’s learning.


Introducing MAP Growth

Dear Parent,
In the fall, winter, and spring, your child will take a MAP® Growth™ test from NWEA® on a computer or tablet. MAP Growth scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students.
MAP Growth tests are unique, and it adapts to your child’s responses to measure your child’s skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn—whether it is on, above, or below their grade level.
Since MAP Growth tests provide immediate and accurate information about your child’s learning, it’s easy for teachers to identify students with similar scores that are generally ready for instruction in similar skills and topics, and then plan instruction accordingly.
MAP Growth reports also provide typical growth data for students who are in the same grade, subject and have the same starting performance level. Each school year, students in second through eighth grade take the tests in Math, Reading, and Language and grades TKK through first take the tests in Math and Reading.
We are truly excited to focus on your child’s individual growth and achievement. For more information about MAP Growth, visit NWEA.org/familytoolkit.

Helpful Links

Enter "GROW" as the username and password for the practice tests, then choose your grade level and test.

Physical Fitness

The State Board of Education designated the FITNESSGRAM  as the PFT for students in California public schools. The FITNESSGRAM is a comprehensive, health-related physical fitness battery developed by The Cooper Institute. The primary goal of the FITNESSGRAM is to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity.
All California public school students in grades five, seven, and nine are required to take the PFT, whether or not they are enrolled in a physical education class or participate in a block schedule. These students include those enrolled in elementary, high, and unified school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools. Students in alternate programs, including, but not limited to, continuation schools, independent study, community day schools, and county community schools must also take the PFT. Students who are physically unable to participate in the entire PFT should complete as many of the tests as possible.
The FITNESSGRAM is composed of the following six fitness areas, with multiple test options provided for most areas. Aerobic Capacity
  • 20-Meter PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run)
  • One-Mile Run
  • Walk Test (only for ages 13 or older)
Body Composition
  • Skinfold Measurements
  • Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer
  • Body Mass Index
Abdominal Strength and Endurance
  • Curl-Up
Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility
  • Trunk Lift
Upper Body Strength and Endurance
  • Push-Up
  • Modified Pull-Up
  • Flexed-Arm Hang
  • Back-Saver Sit and Reach
  • Shoulder Stretch


Dear Parent or Guardian: 
At the end of the 2021/2022 school year, students in grades three through eight participated in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress.  
Last year, your child took the following test(s), depending on their grade level: 
  • Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics in grades three through eight  
  • California Science Test (CAST) in grades five and eight  
Student Score Reports can now be accessed electronically through the parent portal on our student information system.  http://www.shafferschool.com/Parents/SchoolWise-Gradebook/index.html 
Once you are logged into the gradebook click on View CAASPP Scores 
This report shows scores for ELA and mathematics. It includes an overall score for each subject and information about how well your child did in different areas. Students in grades four through eight who took the test in previous years will also see past scores so you can see your child’s progress over time.  
To learn more about your child’s scores, go to the new parent web page called Starting Smarter, available at https://ca.startingsmarter.org/.  
This site includes: 
  • resources to help understand results on the student score reports 
  • access to sample test questions and practice tests 
  • no-cost resources to support learning 
  • a guide for parent-teacher conferences  
In our district, the test results are just one way to look at how well our students are doing. We use the results to find areas where students are doing well and areas in which they need help. It is also important to know that the test results are not used to determine whether a student moves to the next grade.  
If you have questions or concerns, please call the school office at 254-6577. 
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